Symposium on Asian Art and Visual Culture Histories
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Call for papers
Symposium on Asian Art and Visual Culture Histories
Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)
November 14th and 15th, 2024
Deadline for sending proposals: April 28th, 2024
Keynote speaker, Yukio Lippit (Virtual meeting)
Professor of Japanese ArtHistory and Architecture, Harvard University
The art and visual culture of the several regions in Asia constitute forms, processes and meanings that are understood as the diversification and enrichment of hegemonic art history, and a contribution to a discipline that has taken a global perspective. Thus, approaching and horizontally recognizing Asia implies pluralizing the construction of a history of art and the visual that had been centered in Euro-North American narratives. Likewise, when Asia is observed, thought and felt from Latin America, we locate ourselves in a broad global context that reveals new relationships, inheritances and dialogues. We must recognize that no matter how much we avoid it, this process makes Asia an object, but fortunately it also leads us to try to understand Asia for itself, with its voice and authority. What we call Asia has existed for millennia with no necessity of an absolutist and universalized gaze. That is to say, Asia, internally plural, has had its own orders of thought and sensitivity.
This symposium is a recognition of the role of Asia in the global history of art and visual culture and its role as a knowledge builder. It invites us to approach Asia from all its regions, countries or cultures, through questions such as: How is the history of art and the visual built in Asia or what place does the discipline have in this region? What works, genres, media, themes, actors, temporalities and geographies stand out in the history of art and the visual of the regions of Asia, and what challenges do they imply to hegemonic discourses? How have the regions and cultures of Asia interacted with each other? And perhaps what dynamics of subordination in art and culture are experienced within the region? What kind of connections can we analyze between Asian art and visual culture and the Portuguese and Spanish speaking worlds? What place does Asia have in specific contexts of contemporary non-Asian art and visual culture?
The proposal must include:
- Title and summary of the presentation (300 words max.)
- Short biography and institutional affiliation (150 words max.)
- Deadline for sending proposals: April 28th, 2024
Send your proposals to bs.forero@uniandes.edu.co
In the subject line please write “Proposal for Symposium on Asian Art and Visual Culture Histories.
Presentations will be 15 minutes. Proposals are accepted in Spanish and English, but please be aware that the official language of the symposium is Spanish. You may present in English, but all main communications will be in Spanish. Additionally, if you present in English, it would be nice to have visual aids in Spanish.
Presenters of the selected proposals will be notified no later than June 1st, 2024.