Prehispanismo en la heráldica andina: muebles prehispánicos en escudos de armas de los Andes (siglos XVI a XXI)
Investigador: Alexander Herrera
Los muebles con alusiones al pasado precolonial son frecuentes en la heráldica andina desde su introducción en el siglo XVI. Este proyecto busca enfocar el papel del pasado en la legitimización del poder en las ras colonial y republicana
Alexander Herrera
Associate Professor
My research addresses landscapes and material culture from a long-term perspective that draws upon ethnohistory and ethnography, integrated with environmental and historical data. I focus on social interaction across the Andes, from the Pacific to Amazonia, to study how economic and political interaction shapes identity politics. I also study ritual musical practices and soundscapes, as linkages between mortuary and sacred landscapes and water management systems. The application of indigenous traditions of water harvesting in rural development and climate change adaptation is a line of cooperative research with local partners in the highlands of Peru.